
I have sat for a while today, contemplating what to do with myself in the face of this inevitable nightmare. Such is the nature of life, we are born, lead weird and wonderful lives, then ultimately bow out. Still, no amount of experience, anticipation or pragmatism can prepare you for when the latter actually happens.

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Feeling a bit useless.

Monday 6th April

The past few days have been a bit odd around the edges. Not that any other day in this unravelling saga has made any sense. I think I’m just at that next phase. You know, the phases that reveal themselves with the passing of time. None of us knew about them prior to the turning of the new year and even then, they haven’t exactly appeared in the same way to everyone.

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What day is it?

Friday 3rd April

…I think…

I realise that the frequency of these quarantined posts are becoming increasingly sporadic…but if I’m honest, they are proving a true reflection of my day to day life. Not that life is sporadic, just the goings on within it. As the weeks begin to roll by, I am finding it more difficult to keep track of the typically trivial details. What day is it? Are we still in March? When did I last shower? Have I skipped a day? How old am I? The list goes on.

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Getting Dressed for Muffins

Monday 30th March

Today was always going to be a good day. How do I know? Well when one receives a text from a friend exclaiming that he has spare muffins and asking if you would like some…you’re on to a winner. Obviously we’re all locked down at the mo, but he was delivering food to food banks and left them on’t porch, before waving from a distance. It did, of course, require me to change out of my pyjamas as I’m not quite at that stage, but I’d say it’s a cause worth getting dressed for. My tummy agrees. My thighs no longer care.

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Saturday 28th March

First off and most importantly – HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my incredible Dad!! One of the most generous people I know. You have always put our family first and work incredibly hard to take care of what matters most. It’s times like this I’m REALLY grateful for technology, enabling me to serenade you (squawk) this morning. It helps to hear your jolly voice as you look forward to a day spent cutting the grass and eating bangers and mash. Standard. I love you so very, very much.

So much love for these two!

What a bizarre “first”. Tis the season of birthdays in our family, so they’ll all be in the same boat pretty soon. We’re all going to learn how to the make the best of a bad situation…an important life skill, I guess.

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Plucking, Flicking and Straining*: A Musical Endeavour

Wednesday 25th March

In the weeks leading up to our inevitable lock-down, I began to anticipate that I would need something (or as many things as possible) to occupy my time. By the end of February, my family in Italy were already in total isolation, so the threat was real. As a renter, I haven’t moved every worldly possession in to this house (chin chin to my parents’ garage), but it was dawning on me that I’d soon want a bit more here than a spectrum of kitchen utensils and boxed up school resources. Though the things you can do with coloured card and a fraction wall are immeasurable.

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Monday 23rd March

Lock down.

It has finally happened.

Our PM announced this evening – following an emergency COBRA meeting – that people must now stay at home. The only times we are permitted to leave the house include and are limited to:

  • One bout of exercise (running/walking, at a distance to others) per day;
  • Essential trips to buy food or medical supplies, to be kept at a minimum. Online grocery shopping advised;
  • Travelling to work where it is absolutely impossible to work from home.

Everything is being forcibly closed, other than supermarkets and pharmacies. He even explicitly said that we’re not allowed to go out to see other family members who do not live with us. So that leaves me alone for at least the next three weeks.

It is a necessary evil. I knew this was coming. I still feel unprepared.

Had a bit of a sob, in between reaching out to friends and family this evening. We’re all in the same boat. Let’s just hope that these measures see an eventual reduction in cases…for the sake of people, but also the NHS. We can’t afford for that to buckle.

Not much more to say on the matter.

Tomorrow is another day.


Mother's Day 2020

It goes against every natural instinct, to not be with my Mum on Mother’s Day…particularly whilst I’m only 40 minutes down the road. So regardless of what other goings on have happened today (gardening/solo karaoke/friend delivered a delicious roast dinner/games night round 2…), this post is going to focus on celebrating all things Mum.

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Saturday 21st March

Shit and Shower / Fresh Pizza / Skype with Friends / Return of the Fingerprints / Loss of the finger prints / Social Media positives / Kazoos

Well, here we are on the first full day of what is “technically”, but not really, a British lock-down. It’s certainly quiet outside, though I don’t exactly live in the Piccadilly of MK. As the known global Covid-19 death toll hits 12,987, I truly hope people are taking it seriously and making sensible choices. Shutting yourself away for an unknown period of time goes entirely against human nature – even prisoners have a release date – however we need to all be pulling together. Here’s how my first full “home alone” day panned out…

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Friday 20th March

Today turned out to be one of the more productive days of the week! I enjoyed a slow morning, before heading to Kiln Farm in MK to take part in the introduction session for an art installation a group of us will be working on. Due to current climates, after today we will be working remotely – a shame, as this was looking to be a weekly social, but necessary all things considered. Without going in to too much detail yet, it involves lots of paper, glue and specific hand movements. 36,000 times over. From a team of 6. We’ve got this. I left with 2 boxes packed with paper and a couple of industrial strength super glues, ready to tackle as much as possible over the next week.

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